
It’s my birthday and I’ll laugh if I want to!

It’s my birthday today! I’m 42 years old. Well, I am the way I count. I vowed that once I got to 50, I’d start counting backwards. I’m still a ways from passing my kids on the way down though. I may be older, but at least I’m thinner! Menopause hadn’t been very good to […]

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Peri Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Exercise!

Didja ever wonder why it is we GAIN weight, Peri People? This is the stuff that keeps me up at night.  Peri don’t need no stinkin’ exercise! Or we shouldn’t!  Does this sound familiar? You’re running downstairs to take care of something important, something urgent, something…you can no longer remember.  So you slowly walk back […]

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I have a confession to make…

I’m going to admit something I’ve been trying to hide.  I’ve been struggling lately.  Actually, I’ve struggled with this for quite some time on and off.  I’m a bit frustrated and overwhelmed, but mostly I’ve been feeling like nobody cares. It’s silly, really.  An innocent joke made by a family member here.  A small perceived […]

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