
Evolution of an Injury

Written By: JoJoisms - Jan• 29•18

As many of you know, I recently had my fifth surgery in a few years.  It started because I walked on the treadmill.  Yes, you read that right. I simply walked on the treadmill...and tore three tendons, damaged an already loose ligament-requiring a total of six surgical procedures. 

After more than four months of recovery, (which included a splint and a walker not pictured, a cast, an ankle brace, and months of physical therapy), I was looking at my foot and I saw this running through my head:

It struck me funny that I went to the surgeon because of a painfully swollen ankle and four months later ended up with…a painfully swollen ankle. LOL  Yes, folks, it’s all in the normal healing of an ankle surgery of this kind, but it just felt a bit humorous to me so I thought I’d share…

Go ahead. Laugh.  I am! 😀 


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