I can understand forgetting things that actually happened, but I used to think remembering things that never happened was a sure sign the little men in white coats would be coming to take you away. That is, until I experienced them for myself. Now I blame Hashimoto’s Disease and several other varieties of health issues for the extreme brain fog that has clouded my memories for many years.
When my daughter was young, I came home from work one day and distinctly remember putting my water bottle on the window sill. I distinctly remember because it was slightly thicker than the window sill and it took great effort to balance it. Further, I remember thinking how I have never done this before and how it probably wasn’t a good idea, but that it freed up my hands to go do a few things. I remember worrying that it may fall and spill all over. Only, after doing those chores, I forgot about the water bottle until that evening. When I went back and couldn’t find it, my dh and I looked all over the house. He accused me of making the whole thing up. I was incredulous. After all, I distinctly remember all the details of this event! How daft do you think I am?! And, yes, the next morning I found my water bottle on my desk at work.
I have since had several dreams at night where I woke up afraid that they really did happen. The other day I dreamed that I ate a chocolate chip cookie and woke up terrified that I’d have a hypoglycemic sugar crash.
Now here’s the really weird thing. I am allergic to smoke…meaning I have an allergic reaction to cigarette smoke. I can smell a cigarette four car lengths in front of me on the highway with all the windows closed through a sinus cold. My throat closes up and I feel like I can’t breathe. But in the last several years, I have that same allergic type reaction to the toaster and the smells of stove top cooking. However, I also have times where I constantly smell cigarette smoke that really isn’t there. I’ve smelled it in my house where nobody smokes, in non smoking buildings and even outdoors. The smell is constant and follows me wherever I go.
Anyone else have any experiences they never had? Please share. Don’t worry. Nobody’s in here but us nutz.
Have you told your doctor about these things? Sometimes the olfactory bulb gets confused. Check it out and see what he says. It may be a part of your other illnesses or a reaction to meds. Praying for you.
I’ve told many drs about it. They had no idea what it was. I’m not on any meds…just vitamins and diet changes. I’ve read about people smelling smoke that wasn’t there too and I’ve read where you can smell some odd things if you have Hashi’s but I usually know more about these things than my drs do so they never know what I’m talking about. I may have found another health practitioner to help me. I haven’t asked him that question, but I have asked him several he knew the answer to which is more than I can say for his predecessors. I appreciate your prayers.
On a related note, I’ve often wondered if dreams carry a memory, or if they create one. Just last night I had a dream that was distinctly familiar to something that seemed to have happened (in a dream) several months ago. But when I woke up, I couldn’t recall ever having had a similar dream. So the question is, have I actually had that dream before and just can’t remember it when awake, or did last night’s dream make up its own memory?
Oooh! Interesting point, Matthew! I’ve had the same dream over and over again. I’ve also had a continuation of a dream I had before. Your idea sounds like it would have made a really good Twilight Zone. 😀
I smell smoke that isn’t there, too. I also smell tons of other things and it drives me nuts. Sadly, I have a better nose than most bloodhounds. 🙁
I do too. I can smell lots of things other people can’t. But I also smell things that just flat aren’t there.