It’s Electronic Greetings Day and what better way to celebrate than this elderly couple recording their first greeting.
Webcam 101 for Seniors
Click below…
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! My dad sent this to me last week. Thought I’d share. Everyone loves Thanksgiving…everyone, that is, except the turkey! Click on the turkey to hear her point of view. LOL
(If that like doesn’t work, try this one: )
UPDATE: Well, it appears they took it down. I looked all over the internet for it and found it on YouTube. Enjoy!
I wrote this a while back, but thought I’d post it here. Most people can relate to this, but those of us with Fibro, Menopause and Hashimoto’s have a special place in our brains for it:
You are making your breakfast, toast and butter, and you realize you need a knife so you go to the other side of the kitchen to get it. On the way you forget why you are walking. So you walk back to the toaster and, looking at the toast, you suddenly you remember you need a knife. So you head back to the flatware drawer and realize you also need a plate so you grab a plate and head back to the toaster where you remember you forgot to get the knife.
You walk back to the flatware drawer and promptly forget why you are there. So you walk back to the toaster and see that the toast has popped up. Looking at the toast for a minute (or an hour), you realize you forgot to get the knife so you walk back to the drawer. On the way you pass the refrigerator and realize that you also need the butter. So you grab the butter and head back to the toaster where you remember that you forgot the knife. Walking back to the drawer, you forget why you are there.
You head back to the toaster as this is the only thing you can now remember. When you get there, you realize that you can’t eat your toast without the butter and you need knife to spread the butter so you head back to the flatware drawer to get the knife when you pass the clock. It reads 12 noon so, now that it’s lunchtime, you’d rather have a sandwich.
At this point, you’re too tired to make it so you just sit down and that is why you find petrified toast in the toaster and melted butter on the counter at dinner!
For the past several years, I’ve been posting a video countdown to Christmas on my Art of Eloquence blog. However, since that blog is no longer daily and this one is, I’ve decided to host the countdown right here! Just a heads up that it will be starting on December 1st.
I’ll have a new Christmas song video each day up to and including Christmas day. Some of them will be funny videos too, but most of the ones I have are not funny so…if you know of a funny Christmas video, please email me with the YouTube link:
Thanks for sharing YOUR Christmas giggles!
I’ve seen several graphics on Facebook that seem rather silly to me. They say things like, “Like if you’re against violence.” Would anyone be FOR violence? And how would you know if your friends, who didn’t click like, actually were pro violence or if they just felt contrary?
Just seems an odd kind of post so I came up with one that covers just about everything.
Share this blog post if you’re for good stuff and are against bad stuff.
Don’t share it if you’re for bad stuff and against good stuff.
Leave a comment if you aren’t sure.
This is one of my favorite videos from The Skit Guys. It’s called God’s Chisel and it will touch your heart.
My dd loves Dr. Who! Last year for Christmas she wanted all Dr. Who merchandise so she got a My Other Car is a TARDIS license plate and a TARDIS cookie jar and a bunch of other TARDIS blue stuff. She’s a seminary student and has written several blog posts about Dr. Who episodes and the Bible.
I watched the old Dr. Who shows when I was a kid…many years ago in a galaxy far far away. I didn’t like it much. The acting was poor and the dialogue was corny. But she got me hooked on the new shows and have been watching them so I can discuss them with her on the phone when she calls. We speak in show quotes and movie lines so this is one of our sources. lol
She’s been looking forward to today for many months now. It’s The Day of the Doctor…the 50th anniversary special. They will be showing a marathon of Dr. Who shows and then the special today. She and I have blocked out the day to spend having fun and making memories as we learn what happened in between the old and new shows.
It’s great fun to have a show so rich in content that you can use it as a spring board to discuss world issues and social justice.
Today is World Hello Day.
I thought I’d get a jump on things…
Who says you need instruments to make music? Here’s Julian Smith with Techno Jeep: