JoJoism#439 “If I had a middle name, it would be Weird, but I’m so weird I don’t have a middle name.” JoJoisms: Revealing Life’s Truths…as I think of ’em!
I’m weird. I’m weird in so many weird ways, too. Along with being middle name-less, I’m only 5′ tall, my head is so small I can wear toddler hats and my hands and feet are small-even for my size.
I’m a work-at-homeschool mom of two only-children (dd is 23, son is 14, none in between) who is married almost 27 years…to the same man! I didn’t vaccinate my son. I only wear purple, speak in movie quotes and have such a restricted diet it feels like I’m on bread and water–only I can’t have the bread.
And those are just a few of my idiosyncrasies.
What makes you uniquely weird? Please tell me I’m not alone.