
Why did the chicken cross the road?

Written By: JoJoisms - Sep• 30•13

Why did the chicken cross the road?  To invade my laptop!

Last week, I was limping along on my laptop because my pc fan died and my dh was out of town.  Each day, aside from the other techie issues I had to deal with (see my previous posts), I had increasing problems with my laptop response time.  It got slower and had more glitches until I could hardly use it at all.

My dh found several unnecessary applications on there and took about two hours to delete them all.  One of them was called Chicken Invaders II.  Apparently, your laptop will have problems if it’s been invaded by chickens.

After we evicted the chickens and cleaned up after them so to speak, I can now use my purple laptop in the manner to which I had not yet become accustomed.

Bird Brain

Written By: JoJoisms - Sep• 29•13

Birds have very small brains, especially our resident woodpecker. I call him Bird Brain.  He resides on our rooftop and loves to mark his territory by pecking away at…the metal in our chimney.  Bird Brain doesn’t seem to understand the difference between metal and wood and I don’t suppose he cares…but WE do!

Why?  Because Bird Brain’s pecking sounds like a MACHINE GUN!

Yes, every morning during Bird Brain Season, we awake to the sound of Machine Gun Fire.  It doesn’t scare me anymore, but the first time I heard it, I thought we were under attack by al Qaeda!

Yes, I’m a real person

Written By: JoJoisms - Sep• 28•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPeople often ask me if the things I post on this blog are true and if I’m a real person.

As far as  I know…

Yes, I’m a real person. Yes, all of this stuff really happened to me.  And yes, I am quite out of my mind.

Here I am with my real daughter. Ask her if you don’t believe me.

Dalek Relaxation

Written By: JoJoisms - Sep• 27•13

Enough of the serious talk this week. LOL  It’s time for some Friday Funnies.  After the stress of the techie nightmare that was my week, I need a little Dalek Relaxation.

The Thrill of iPhone Victory

Written By: JoJoisms - Sep• 26•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAfter several weeks (which seem like years), I emerge victorious!  Here is a list of things I have learned to do on my new iPhone:

1. Answer and make a phone call

2. Send and receive a text

3. Take a picture (can’t yet post it to Facebook)

4. Get email

5. View Facebook (nope, can’t interact)

6.  And move those little app icons around (love it when they wiggle)

Unfortnately, I have no brain cells left with which to formulate any communication!  Maybe next week.



Have you seen this gremilin?

Written By: JoJoisms - Sep• 25•13

It’s been a Gundar-filled week here at Tabares Manor.

This week alone, my pc fan died making it impossible for me to turn my pc on without frying its brains. My laptop has issues, I couldn’t configure my new and first ever iPhone. My website had errors which didn’t allow me to get my email from my webmail or my iPhone and just about every password I ever set up had to be reset…like 900 TIMES!!

If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my rubber room talking to my invisible friend!

Suicidal Banana

Written By: JoJoisms - Sep• 24•13

BananaSo the other night I woke up at 3am and went downstairs to contemplate my insomniatic state when, halfway down the stairs, I heard a thump!  Listening carefully and walking cautiously, I rounded the corner and went half way down the pathway between my kitchen pony wall and the couch.  Hearing nothing further and being in a state of half slumber, I went to the couch and counted sheep.

After a valiant try, I emerged three hours later to discover a banana had apparently jumped off the banana stand (on the kitchen pony wall) and did a swan dive into the middle of the pathway about two feet from where I had stopped walking three hours earlier.

I picked up the suicidal banana and put it back on its perch, contacted the local chapter of the Banana Suicide Hotline.

Wanna come over for dinner?

Written By: JoJoisms - Sep• 23•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor sure the strangest thing that I ever baked in my oven!

When you buy new hockey skates, they tell you to get them baked and formed to your feet.  So when we got my son’s skates, we had to bake them for six minutes at 175 and then put them on him to wear for 15 minutes and take them off.

Anyone want to come over for dinner?  You might want to eat before you come. The meat’s tough as shoe leather.  lol

SONday Inspiration

Written By: JoJoisms - Sep• 22•13

Blessed SONday to you all.  Here is some inspiration for you this week. Phil Wickham’s It Is Well With My Soul.

dRAINing the Pool or Monsoon Madness

Written By: JoJoisms - Sep• 21•13

We picked Monsoon Day to have our pool drained in order to begin the process of resurfacing.  It was such an odd sight that I decided to take a series of pictures documenting the ridiculous event.  If we had any sense at all (or foreknowledge) we’d have drained the pool last week and had the monsoon filled it back up again for free!

Monsoon vs Water Pump: it was a dead heat at first, but the pool began making headway.


The lizard who usually rides this bike had to highTAIL it out of there.


The water level on the side of the house rose rapidly to well above ground level.


As the pool water got down close to the bottom,  Old Faithful erupted. After a while only a puddle remained and the motor shut itself off.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANow for the fun part.  😀