
Archive for the 'Laughing Through Struggles' Category

Why humor is important–especially in 2020

You know a year is bad when there are memes about how people are using 2020 as a curse word, as in, “What in the 2020 is going on this year?” And that is precisely why humor is so important especially this year! If you’re on social media, you know how much Covid19, the riots, […]

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Vintage JoJoism Remade

One of the first JoJoisms I wrote came about not only because I was feeling my age, but because Fibromyalgia was having a profound affect on me. I think I wrote this one when I was in my early 40s. Here’s what it looked like when I finally made a meme out of it: I […]

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New Video JoJoisms from July

I’ve been having such fun with the video memes the last few months. I’ve created a few for this site this past month. Here are a few of the best:

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July Funny JoJoisms

In the month of July, I posted several new and a few reposts of my humorous JoJoisms. Since Facebook won’t show most of my posts to but a few of my fans, I’ll recap them here for you! If you ever want to check out what you probably missed on my Facebook fan page, just […]

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Best of Coffee

As many of you know, I LOVE my coffee! Gotta have my coffee every morning. Unfortunately, my body has a love/hate relationship with my coffee. One the one hand, it’s delicious! On the other hand…it’s shaky. You see, my Essential Tremors don’t like caffeine! Really ramps up the old jitters. However, for now I tread […]

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I’ve been busy this April finding the humor in life

I’ve been busy finding the humor in life this past month in various categories. For your giggling pleasure, I submit them to you. The biggest topic of conversation this past month was COVID19 and I found a way to find the humor in life during Coronavirus: The next topic I tackled was coffee: Then I […]

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March 2020 JoJoisms

I’ve been busy creating mostly COVID-19 JoJoisms, but some others as well. Most of the others are Life Beyond Surviving or chronic illness related. So, in case you missed it on Facebook (because they don’t show our posts to most of our friends, here is your month in review! I hope you enjoyed these CoronaVirus […]

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Newest JoJoisms for 2020

I’ve been busy creating some new JoJoisms this year. Here are some of the highlights from January: I pray they brought a smile to your face and a giggle to year soul…

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December JoJoisms in Review

I usually put a post together with all of the JoJoisms memes I created that month. I spent most of my time creating videos which I can’t post here for some reason. So here are a few of the memes I created this past month: And here are links to the best videos I created […]

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November JoJoisms in Review

I created a bunch of new JoJoisms last month. Here are some the ones I can remember. LOL

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