
My prayer for 2015

2014 and my prayer for 2015:   As most of you know, 2014 was a very difficult year for my family.  While we did have many blessings (new friends, church, co op, dr), we also had a moderate to severe catastrophe just about every month of the year.  From our car accident in January to our cross […]

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What DO you say to someone who is hurting?

Last week, I shared what not to say to someone who is hurting.  I’ve posted things like this many times as articles or in answer to a question online.  People have sometimes ask, “Then what should I say to someone who is hurting or struggling with something?”  So, this week, I’d like to share what […]

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One of the worst things to say to a believer who is hurting

I wrote this a while back for another publication.  It’s the first time I began to think about how society (even fellow believers) communicate with those who are suffering, especially with chronic issues.   “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” -Proverbs 16:24 I’ve seen it so many […]

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When life happens in the middle of chronic issues

During your journey with chronic illness, financial stress or other chronic issues, you are likely to have life happen.  When it rains it pours.  Know that God is still in control.  He will always bring you through. Pray, even if you can’t see a way out.  Pray, even if you don’t see an answer.  Pray. […]

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Crisis a Day Club

Don’tcha just hate it when you discover you’re subscribed to something you never wanted?  This year, every time I downloaded something, it automatically came with Google Chrome.  After a while I’d discover it and uninstall it.  Annoying! Two months ago, I inadvertently signed up for the Crisis a Day Club.  Last weekend I unsubscribed. It […]

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