
Six Reasons Why Chronic Issues are Different

When I was about to have my first child, I went to a birthing class for The Bradley Method (different philosophy, but similar idea to La Maz).  The teacher said something I will always remember because it fits as a motto for so many things in life.  She said, “You can stand just about anything […]

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Finding the Humor

After my last surgery, my brain came home to roost.  I’m able to do things now like remember my last name and why I walked into a room…more than I used to.  It’s also afforded me the opportunity to write some new JoJoisms.  Here’s one.   Since so many of my readers are in the […]

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One of the worst things to say to a believer who is hurting

I wrote this a while back for another publication.  It’s the first time I began to think about how society (even fellow believers) communicate with those who are suffering, especially with chronic issues.   “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” -Proverbs 16:24 I’ve seen it so many […]

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