Ever notice that boys love to show off their war wounds? They eagerly relate the stories that came to create their scars–each in his turn trying to top the other’s story. Women don’t do that. In fact, we tend to hide our scars. We cover them up with clothing, makeup, and embarrassment. It becomes a […]
Read the rest of this entry »Archive for the 'Laughing Through Struggles' Category
And…My Meno Weight Loss Journey Begins
So back in October of 2016, I had my total hysterectomy and shortly thereafter I began putting on weight. More importantly, I began exercising, working out, dieting, watching my weight…whatever you want to call it. And so my Meno Weight Loss Journey began. So I’m about thirty pounds overweight at this point, which on a […]
Read the rest of this entry »Don’t Judge Me by YOUR Yardstick!
I’m not “arguing for my limitations” or determined to “remain in” my chronic illness. I’m trying to explain to you why your Amazing Cure All didn’t work for me! I understand it worked for you. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m not you. Do you have my chronic illness or something else? Do you […]
Read the rest of this entry »Invisible Illness Scars
One of the biggest complaints I hear from those with chronic illness is that it is an Invisible Disease. Whatever it is for you: Lupus, thyroid disease, chronic pain, migraines, or peri menopause, the fact that people are only concerned with what they see can leave us with the feeling that others either don’t believe […]
Read the rest of this entry »Sometimes You Need a Pity Party
This month’s blast from the past: Sometimes You Need a Pity Party: I don’t think you’d be human if you were sunshine and roses every day, especially in the face of chronic struggles and hardships. However, some will tell you you’re not a good Christian if you share that you are depressed or upset or […]
Read the rest of this entry »Menopause Comedy Video
For your giggling pleasure: YouTube Menopause Comedy Video… For those of my readers who are struggling with menopause or peri menopause issues, it’s good to look at the funny side of the issues we face. After dealing with these issues for almost 18yrs, I can tell you it’s better to laugh than the alternative so…Here’s […]
Read the rest of this entry »Fun with JoJo
Lest we forget to laugh, giggle and smirk our way through life’s difficult journey’s, I will be including a regular segment here this year I’m tentatively calling Fun with JoJo. Humor is a HUGE part of JoJoisms and to JoJo’s approach to facing life’s challenges because it’s too hard to go through a mess with […]
Read the rest of this entry »New Year; New Beginning
Welcome to 2017! I declare this year to be a new beginning and I’m looking forward to good news, good times, and good friends in 2017. For many years, I’ve struggled with various chronic illnesses. There were many and most of them were long lived. The last several years that I’ve been blogging about chronic […]
Read the rest of this entry »Three Things to Do for Someone Who’s Hurting
If someone has had an illness long enough to be termed “chronic,” trust me. They have probably researched more about it than you have. They’ve probably tried all the conventional remedies and most of the unconventional ones as well. We don’t want to be told about this fix or that drug. We’ve heard it all before. […]
Read the rest of this entry »90 Minutes of Patience
Do we need only 90 minutes of patience for God to work in our lives? Some people think that if you are going through troubled waters and pray to God, He will just take away the trial and life will be rosey. A lot of movies are like that. A lot of Christian movies are […]
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