
At the age when doctors ask odd questions

I can’t believe it’s October 2018 already! Wasn’t it just June…1997? You know you’re getting older when the decades fly by.  But seriously, life has changed a whole bunch since I began this blog and since I began writing JoJoisms so many years ago. Now that I’m in my mid..ok, later, 50s, I find my attention […]

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Menopause Comedy Video

For your giggling pleasure: YouTube Menopause Comedy Video… For those of my readers who are struggling with menopause or peri menopause issues, it’s good to look at the funny side of the issues we face.  After dealing with these issues for almost 18yrs, I can tell you it’s better to laugh than the alternative so…Here’s […]

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I have chronic illness and I write for YOU!

I write for you.  I write for all those with chronic illness who aren’t where I am or may never be.  I write for all those who can’t find the words to express how they feel to family, friends or doctors except with soft whimpers and cries. I write for all who know what it’s like […]

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JoJo’s Journey: 35 Years with Chronic Illness

Sorry I haven’t posted in several weeks, but a lightning strike took out 15 electrical items in our new home last month and one of them was my computer.  It took me a few weeks to figure out that I could record a YouTube video from my iPhone and another to figure out how to […]

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Chonda Pierce’s Have You Seen Jesus?

Day four of my Video Countdown to CHRISTmas brings us to one of the funniest Christian comedians, Chonda Pierce. Chonda is hilarious in this skit she calls, “Have you seen Jesus?” It’s not what you think and it’s not what the neighbors probably thought when she went knocking on their doors, but it is funny! […]

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Worship songs gone corporate with Tim Hawkins

Tim Hawkins is a Christian comedian with a passion for music.  Check out his Corporate Worship Songs.

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