
How did spammers get the idea JoJo was a techie?

So many people said they wanted to be able to leave a comment on some of the older blog posts that I decided to open the comments back up on the blog.  They used to close automatically after five days because that’s how long it takes for the spammers to come out and play. A day after […]

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I just can’t “Be THAT Man!”

My spam is getting ridiculous lately. The other day I got one with a subject line, “Be That Man!” To which I wanted to respond, “I can’t on account of the fact that I’m a woman!”

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This is war! SPAM war! I have the most powerful SPAM filter known to mankind, but some of it still comes through to my inbox. No. I don’t want a Russian Wife. NO. I don’t need an appetite suppressant. NO, “Little Girlie,” I don’t want to see your pictures! The Emporess Strikes Back! I’m a […]

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Is it just me or are spammers getting rude?

Is it just me or are spammers getting rude these days?  I get a lot of spam and I bring you the latest in spam just in case you aren’t as spamily blessed as I am and aren’t up on the latest spam trends. Here is a sample of what I mean: “I know why you’re fat!” […]

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