The last several years brought some interesting opportunities and challenges into my life and, as I usually do, I dealt with them as any Sit Down Comedian would. I made fun with it, joked about it, and wrote about it…all here on You got to read the good, the bad, and the utterly ridiculous. I pray you have been both encouraged and entertained.
2017 was an amazing year filled with new beginnings, many of which I pray become a trend in the coming years. For one thing, I’ve grown accustomed to eating regularly and it will be nice to know we won’t run out of month at the end of our money. Or is that the other way around?
I’ve been a busy little beaver this past year, and not just recovering from an entry into the Guinness Book of World Records under Most Surgeries in a Given Time Period. And I have some new news that’s newsworthy.
2017 brought forth upon the internet some new websites conceived in humor and dedicated to the proposition that all issues are not created equal, but they ARE all more fun when they are told through the arthritic fingers of this Blog Corespondent. So…each issue will have its own unique address on the internet super highway as follows:
1. Should you require information about how to be a more effective communicator for the mission God gave your voice, Art of Eloquence will remain open for business, though the blog will remain fairly quiet unless there is some earth shattering communication news to report. Otherwise I will let sleeping blogs lie.
2. Grape Stuff, LLC is now our parent company through which all amazing things will be made known. I suggest you run your fingers on over and sign up for our mailing list which will only find its way into your email box when we have something amazing to report. This will include any special offers for various things that support families. Go forth and check it out. You’ll be glad you did because we have a free gift for you just for signing up.

3. Grape Stuff has launched a brand new product line on Amazon: mugs that have my JoJoisms on them! We call them MugXpressions and as you can see, they have their own website. If you’re a coffee lover, tea drinker, or you just love the sass with which my JoJoisms deliver Life’s Truths…as I think of ’em!, you’ll want to head on over and read all about The Adventures of Mug Man and Java Jo. That’s the monthly blog post about my dh and I as we go forth and multiply mug fun! Join us won’t you?
4. Finally, if you are a family in trial, and you want to continue to read my weekly articles about living better during struggles, head on over to our newest site, Life Beyond Surviving and sign up for our mailing list where I will continue to deliver these articles you’ve come to know here at
So will be going back to its roots as I talked about when I launched this blog back in August of 2013 in this debut post. I will leave this JoJoisms site up and continue to post new JoJoisms, Visual JoJoisms, and other memes that help bring humor to life’s issues. So, if you love my humor and just want to be entertained a bit each month, come back and visit me here for the latest installments of my JoJoisms as my body ages and my brain tilts precariously just this side of madness to bring you endless giggles to get you through whatever life throws in YOUR face.